Science Faction (2006)

  Babies, Mortgages and Bryan Tour (2004)

  Baltic Tour (2003)
Volumen 1's Tour Diary


  Cries From Space Tour (2002)

  We Found Canada Tour (2002)

  Emergency Mustache Tour (2001)

  How Do You Spell? Tour (2000)

  Science Faction (2006)
10 days of madness promoting our latest release in the NW and California.  Partially documented by Damon Ristau.

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Here are some signs that your show might not live up to your expectations.

1) The first band is setting up their equipment and there are two kick drums.
2) The club is as big as a football field, but, it's normally a top 40 club.  You are a part of "Hard Rock Wednesdays", an event that netted 30 people last week.
3) When you ask the sound guy if he's panned the kick drums, he ask you what panned means.
4) When you offer your iPod to the soundguy so he can test the board's EQ he asks you if it has "one of these little connector thingies".  "connector thingies" = eighth inch connector.
5) You are in Redding, California.

We got to the club pretty early and sorta milled around for a little while.  The club was as cold as a meat locker.  We set up our merch and then listened to "Hell Denied"'s drummer soundcheck his drums for about 30 minutes.  Hell Denied were a Christian cookie monster metal band.  Yup, we didn't see that coming.  We thought we were playing with the Glossines only, but it wasn't to be.

Speaking of the Glossines, they rolled up to the club and their roadie unloaded all of their gear.  I made some smalltalk with him and then one of the Glossines asked me if I was in the second band.  I said that I was and she asked if we could have a "pow wow".  I walked out to their van and when I realized that the Pow Wow was going to need to involve all 3 of the Glossines, I knew that something was afoot.  They explained that they were a touring band and that tour was hard (you don't say?  The roadie part sure seemed nice) and asked if they could play first because all of our friends were going to leave after we played (the club was empty, mind you).  I told them that, not only are we also a touring band, we've been out for 8 days and we're from Montana.  Still, I told them that they could play second (an offer that was later rescinded after we remembered that Alex and Andrew had driven up from Corning to see us and would be wanting to drive home after our set).

So, it seemed like we had made nice with the Glossines, but there was still some underlying weirdness.  I got the same vibe from them that I have gotten from all San Diego bands that we've met on our tours.  I don't know if that scene is cutthroat or cliquey or what, but I never get that feeling of camaraderie from SD bands.  Maybe they just don't like charming dorks.

We played our set for Hell Denied, the staff, and Andrew and Alex.  We had a good time and dedicated Videogaming to Hell Denied and Type O' Girl to the Glossines.  Nobody cared.  Heh.

When our set was finished, we grabbed some beers and sat on the plush couch to watch the Glossines' set unfold.  They were pretty good, like a three piece early Donnas with simpler song structures.  They certainly had the rock chick look with hair lights and classic hard rock band T-shirts and whatnot.  We enjoyed their whole set (something I have a sneaking suspicion they wouldn't have done if our roles were reversed).  Enjoying their set was made immensely more difficult by the sound guy's help tuning their sound.  His tuning involved cranking random knobs until the piercing howl of feedback made your ears bleed.  After a while, you came to realize that this was better than his second method of helping which involved him cranking knobs and then walking away for 5 minutes while feedback assaulted you.

The guitar player from the Glossines had the exact same Fender Super Amp as me.  I've never seen anyone else play one of those.  That was neat.  The image was completed when she broke a string and I let her borrow my guitar.  At that moment, she looked just like me, except she was a girl and she was cute and she was more put together.  So, I guess it was just the guitar and amp.  When she tuned my guitar she made a comment that it was "tuned for metal".  I'm not sure if she thought I was in Hell Denied or if she thought that Volumen was a metal band.  In either case, I was psyched.

After the show we made a beeline for the hotel because we've got a shitload of driving to do today (around 11 hours, we think).  On our way out, we got another earful of hard luck story from the Glossines.  She was explaining that they "would totally let you crash in our room", but they had to stay in the Hilton because the first hotel they tried was a dive.  My eyes welled up with tears.  They explained that they couldn't really rough it like we could because they were much older than us.  I replied that we were 30-38 years old.  She paused and said, "Yeah, we're as old as you guys, we roll like soccer moms".  I think she tagged on that last bit because she knew I couldn't one-up soccer moms.

So.  Long story short, if you are a touring rock band, just keep driving past Redding.  Although, we did meet Buddy and his friend and they bought a CD, so, who knows.  Maybe next time there'll be some punk rockers at the show?


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