bKCAWCK Chris Bacon
First of all, let me just tell you that his middle initial is, in fact, P. That makes him Chris P. Bacon. Just go ahead and relish that for a minute. Done yet? Okay, I’ll wait. How about now? Real good, then: Chris is the clown prince of VOLUMEN, the band’s court jester, its theatrical fall guy. And also its most recent addition, although you’d never know it to hear the way his wicked cool keyboard lines blend seamlessly with VOLUMEN’s fully-realized, graduate level guitar pop sound. Chris is also the ace up the VOLUMEN lead vocal sleeve, the catalyst by which an already, um, uh, high-octane show can suddenly take that quantum leap into fourth-dimensional coitus between audience and band with a perfectly-timed cover of the KINKS’ "Superman" or his own ladies’-choice-slow-skate showstopper, "Super Confident Guy." And front-side ollies? Yeah, he’s got those.
Here's some articles and other random press for your viewing pleasure.
Ink 19 08/01/2004 |
URL: View Actual Article |
No-Fi Soul Rebellion / Volumen review |
Author: Daniel Mitchell |
This is a lovely little red vinyl split between two bands of weirdos, Volumen and The No-Fi Soul Rebellion, from the fine folks at Wantage Records.
I'm not exactly sure what it is that Volumen is trying to do. They play saucy rock music, similar in mood and attitude to the Make Up, but it actually reminds me more of the weirdness of Monorchid or later Arab on Radar. "Lady Cop" is a highly sexy, butt-shaking, naughty and sinful tune. Weird keyboards and overdriven (but polite) guitars play a nice melody, as the vocalist freaks out in a sing-y/yelled voice. It's not my preferred style of music, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.
The No-Fi Soul Rebellion play a less entertaining, more annoying style of music, something like a cross between R & B and Soul. Their song wanders around aimlessly, lacking instrumentation most of the time, as the male vocalist kind of chants his way along, atop a fun little drum beat, accented by handclaps. The song is just plain boring.