Science Faction
Science Faction

Released in March of 2006. Recorded and written at the Volumen Compound on and off over a four year period.

Side of a Box
Orson Welles Was Right
[ The Church With No Name ]
The Launch
Magnetic Communication
I Dunno
So What
Lush & Co.
The Last Mile
What I Gots

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  The Church With No Name

No one comes to pray at the church with no name.
But, religion is practiced there all the same.
Old wooden pews have fallen back into the dirt.
And old voices reverberate and whisper to each other.

Cause even words find lovers with one another
and the sounds that they birth get worse and worse until one...

Until one blasphemous curse utters forth.
The Church with No Name goes back to once what it was before.
One shuddering thirst will be thundering forth.

And then they'll be such a service in the Church
and so many bodies will endlessly pour forth that
the near dead will seat themselves on those fallen first.

Suddenly, as once before, the earthern Church won't be there anymore
that is to say there won't be anyone left to see it.

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